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Generally accepted System Security Principles Link to GSSP

Class Sign Ups

7 - 11 Nov 2005 Lafayette, Louisiana



7-8 Dec 2005 Portland, Oregon


MAP to Oregon Convention Center, US

Schedule of Fees and Discounts*

New or Existing member*
Standard Class rateReceived less than 16 days prior to class$2695$2445
Early Bird DiscountReceived 16 days prior to class$2495$2245
Per CBK Domain pricePortland ITEC only$300$270

Note: Tuition must be paid in full prior to the start of class.

* Discount only applies to registrations received with full payment by the date indicated.

We accept check, cash, POs, or credit cards (Master Card, VISA, or American Express). To register please select the location of the class you would like to attend either above or in the right sidebar.

Special Offer

Join ISSA, ISACA, or IIA and Save Even More!

A special offer for CISSP® candidates who are not yet members of ISSA,ISACA,or IIA.

How does it work? ISSA, ISACA, and IIA members who register 16 or more days prior to the class start date receive the biggest discounts from Hawkeye Security Training. The discount happens to be more than the cost of joining these professional organizations! So if you join your professional organization you save even more than the early bird discount and you get membership in your choice of the most prestigious professional information security or auditing organizations in the world! When you register, simpply select new or existing ISSA, ISACA, or IIA membership. Before the start of class, we will confirm your membership with the local chapter.***

Discount Example using ISSA**

Membership $ 90Standard Cost $2695
Chapter dues (approx.)$ 30Member special discount$2445
Total Dues $120Membership discount$ 250
Amount to join$ 120
Amount saved after joining$ 80

In the example above you can see that by Joining ISSA you save an additional $80 over the Early Bird Special!!! Plus you have the added advantage of membership in your professional organization

** The amount saved varies by organization (ISSA, ISACA, or IIA) and chapter, but all result in additional savings beyond the cost of membership.
*** We reserve the right to re-bill your account for the amount of the discount, should you be unable to join the selected organization by the start of class.
4 Nov 2005
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Sign me up for Class in:    Portland, OR
    Lafayette, LA

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